5 Best Practices To Protect Your Cloud-Based Data From Cyber Attacks
October 18, 2023

Have you ever wondered how cloud storage works? Data stored in the cloud means you are not restricted to accessing them on a unique device, but you can access them online on any device you choose. 

Cloud is a term used to describe a non-physical network of servers, each having a unique function, which is all connected to run as a single ecosystem. It eliminates the need for physical storage space and the inconvenience of stolen or damaged devices. Still, only a few people understand how it works. 

What is Cloud Security? 

Cloud security is a collection of security measures designed to secure cloud-based systems, applications, and data against malware, hackers, DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service), and unauthorized user access. These security measures ensure that user and device authentication, data privacy, and access control are adequately protected. 

Most third-party cloud service providers offer standard monitoring and alerting tools as part of their security package. Often, these tools need to provide sufficient coverage, and as a result, there are cybersecurity gaps. As such, there must be some shared responsibility between the CSP and the customer. 

In an IaaS (infrastructure as a service) environment, CSPs are responsible for securing and patching the infrastructure in case of any holes and the configuration of physical data centers, networks, and any other hardware that powers the system.

In a PaaS (platform as a service) environment, the CSPs’ responsibilities include securing runtime, operating systems, data, networking, and virtualization. While in a SaaS (software as a service) environment, application and middleware security is an added responsibility. Data security, identity and access management, encryption, and compliance are left to the customer to control regardless of their cloud delivery model. 

Best practices to protect your cloud-based data 

It would help if you took measures to secure your data on the cloud vary adequately. There are factors to be considered, which include the type of data being stored, the sensitivity of the data, cloud architecture, the number of users with the authorization to access the stored data, and the accessibility of third-party tools. 

The following are some best practices to protect against cyberattacks:

  1. Always ensure you encrypt your data at every stage, whether at rest, in use, or in motion. 
  2. Do not rely on just passwords. Ensure you deploy two-factor or multi-factor authentication to verify user identity before authorized access. 
  3. Set apart cloud data backups to avert ransomware attacks.
  4. Always ensure you maintain cloud visibility through constant monitoring.
  5. Implement cloud edge security protections such as anti-malware, firewalls, Cloud IPS, DDoS mitigation, Access Control, etc. 

You must choose a good and reliable Cloud Service Provider that can provide you with the best security controls you require. Virtually Managed IT solutions can provide a security system to protect you against cybercriminals and malware. We provide up-to-date cloud systems with efficient security systems running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reach out to us for any questions you might have. 

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VMITS: Simplifying IT for Hotels:

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  • Upgraded booking systems streamline reservation processes.
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Staying Ahead with IT Innovations:

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Enhancing Hotel Guest Experience with Superior Wi-Fi Solutions from VMITS


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Understanding Guests' Wi-Fi Expectations:

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Challenges in Providing Optimal Wi-Fi:

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VMITS’s Comprehensive Wi-Fi Solutions:

VMITS addresses these challenges head-on:

  • Customized network designs ensure complete coverage throughout the hotel.
  • Scalable bandwidth solutions cater to peak usage times, ensuring high-speed access for all guests.
  • Advanced security protocols protect both the hotel’s and guests' data.

Going Beyond Basic Connectivity:

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In the hospitality sector, superior Wi-Fi is a key differentiator in guest satisfaction. By partnering with VMITS, your hotel can offer a top-notch online experience, making it the preferred choice for tech-savvy travelers.

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